Saturday, February 27, 2010

West Virginia Snow gauge!

Just after the snow had completely melted off...March is roaring in.  About a foot and half in two days.  Glad I didnt put away the skiis just yet! Lol...

Thursday, February 25, 2010


So 2010 came in like a lion!!  With a fierce growl.... The month of 
January brought many days of snowy hikes with good friends...      

 More days of XC Skiing that i have ever experienced living in southern West Virginia...  

and some of the most amazing views...
New River Gorge Bridge        
                                                                                 Wolf Creek
And...many mornings of digging out the car!
   (thanks honey :)
With that being said...and short of admitting that i blew off the month to winter recreation...pots are being made.  The studio glaze space requires its own heat source + $$$ = an even BIGGER carbon footprint...I am planning on a spring launch...

In the meantime, I am enjoying being snowed in and making art with my friends!
Doing a mug a day...

Cant wait to see color on these pots!!  Stay tuned!