Thursday, March 25, 2010

Long Term Influences

One of my favorite astro sites has free access to all of your transits every thursday...I think I should pay attention to this one!

Heightened intuition ***
Valid during many months: At this time in your life you are likely to change your objectives in a way that your friends may see as hopelessly idealistic and impractical, but to you it seems the only way to give your life real meaning. The chances are that both you and your friends are right to some extent, so your task now is to strike a balance between your spiritual and your material goals. No way of life will be good for you unless you can make it work in the real world somehow, although right now you may not be very concerned with the real world. Often this influence signifies a new interest in spiritual, metaphysical and occult subjects. You have a great need for deep spiritual understanding, and you may turn to religion, probably a mystical sect that emphasizes direct experience of the divine, rather than an orthodox church. The most positive effect of this influence is that it teaches you that you must get your ego out of the way before you can do anything good with it. That is, you have to learn to act without selfishness, to flow along with events as they happen without having a stake in a particular outcome. If you can do this, you will gain a great deal of wisdom from this influence without losing anything. Some persons experience psychic ability under this influence, and there is evidence that most people have some psychic ability. However, you should not expect to necessarily experience anything more than heightened intuition, which can easily be destroyed by too much reliance on your rational intellect. In fact, one positive truth that you may learn under this influence is that even at best the rational intellect is limited and cannot deal with every aspect of life. You will learn this through your own intuitive faculties telling you, if you let them, things that you could never possibly know through the rational mind.
Transit selected for today (by user):
Neptune Sextile Med.Coeli, ,
activity period from beginning of March 2010 until end of December 2011

Saturday, March 6, 2010

~* Spring Fever *~

Time for a little Bicycle Therapy.....

Obiwan Chan is one happy appalachian retriever!

And after flogging the internal transmission hub, i have to say that " i'm sold "....
Now it's time to bisque fire!!  

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Daily Horoscope...I like this transit

Positive thinking
This is an excellent time for making plans for the future and creating organizational systems, as well as for all other intellectual and mental efforts. However, there is a tendency to avoid really difficult mental or intellectual problems, taking the easy way out instead. But if you can create the proper sense of discipline, you should be able to overcome these negative effects and make this a day of very creative mental activity. This influence opens up and sharpens your mind so that you see, even if subliminally, all the possibilities inherent in a situation. This enables you to turn it to your best advantage. Also this influence gives you a well-founded feeling of optimism, which in turn creates the well-known "power of positive thinking."
The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Mercury Trine Jupiter, , exact at 12:03 

Saturday, February 27, 2010

West Virginia Snow gauge!

Just after the snow had completely melted off...March is roaring in.  About a foot and half in two days.  Glad I didnt put away the skiis just yet! Lol...

Thursday, February 25, 2010


So 2010 came in like a lion!!  With a fierce growl.... The month of 
January brought many days of snowy hikes with good friends...      

 More days of XC Skiing that i have ever experienced living in southern West Virginia...  

and some of the most amazing views...
New River Gorge Bridge        
                                                                                 Wolf Creek
And...many mornings of digging out the car!
   (thanks honey :)
With that being said...and short of admitting that i blew off the month to winter recreation...pots are being made.  The studio glaze space requires its own heat source + $$$ = an even BIGGER carbon footprint...I am planning on a spring launch...

In the meantime, I am enjoying being snowed in and making art with my friends!
Doing a mug a day...

Cant wait to see color on these pots!!  Stay tuned!